A wee tartan number... 

This is where you turn when you need the authentic clan Macbeth tartan to make a fetching mini-dress.

Tristan Films     By Allison L. LiCalsi

And now I can only think of Macbeth as a woman. After she becomes king she does become more traditionally feminine. She runs around wearing a tartan minidress. We don't see her wear a dress at all before she becomes king. Up until the coronation, her clothing and manner are a bit more masculine. Until she becomes king she's in a man's world. Once she's on top, she is free to be whatever she wants to be. It's no longer a man's world-- it's her world. If she wants to walk around wearing a tartan minidress, she's free to do so.


We finally finished post-production on our version of the Scottish Play in August and rushed it into the New York Independent Film festival in September, where we won the Audience Award for Best Feature.

 As promised, I am attaching a jpeg with the an image of the dress we created with the tartan you so generously provided.  We added a link to House of Tartan on our website.

We're still trying to get a screening on the other side of the pond, so if you know anyone in the movie or film festival business over there, let me know.

Thanks again for your help.

Patrick Murray

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